*** Event hall in need of renovation near Bützow/Rostock for sale! ***

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18246 Steinhagen
TraumImmo-ID: WFM494E
Partner-ID: 103304228
Partner-Property by: RegionalImmobilien24

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      • Property Area: 2531.0

      Selling Price & Extra Costs

      Courtage7,14% (7,14 % inkl. 19 % MwSt.)

      About this dream investment property

      Property Description

      The cultural and event building, built in 1978, impresses with its solid massive structure with a metal roof. The building covers an impressive built-up area of 1,900m² and is in a good shell condition. Unfortunately, it has been the target of vandalism in the past, requiring extensive refurbishment. Upon sale, the building will be handed over de-cluttered and the window panes can be replaced. In addition, there is a possibility that the seller will renew the floor. Currently, there is no heating or electricity supply, but these can be easily installed.
      The landmarked building holds tremendous potential for a variety of use ideas. The generous plot size of approx. 2,531m² and the impressive built-up area offer space for creative projects and innovative concepts. The building is ideally suited for the creation of an arts and culture center, an event location, an education or innovation hub or for various other commercial uses. Due to the rural setting and the existing large terrace, outdoor events and leisure activities can also be optimally utilized. This offers a unique opportunity to create an outstanding destination for cultural, artistic and entrepreneurial activities.
      Due to the condition of the building, which is in great need of renovation, appropriate investments are required for a comprehensive renovation. As the new owner, you will have the opportunity to design and modernize the building according to your individual ideas and needs. The renovation includes, among other things, the restoration of the building fabric, the installation of an efficient heating system and a reliable electricity connection, as well as the modernization of the interiors. It is recommended to preserve the listed character of the building and, if necessary, to take advantage of funding opportunities for listed buildings.



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